“Something is happening. We are becoming a visually mediated society. For many, understanding of the world is being accomplished, not through words, but by reading images.”
—Paul Martin Lester, “Syntactic Theory of Visual Communication”
Linear communication, linear thinking, linear problem solving, linear note taking—these are not re?ections of how our brain was designed to process information most effectively. Sadly, linear communication is the primary tool that 98% of the world is still using in business, education, and life. From youth, we have been taught in ways that deter us from using our full spectrum of cortical skills. According to a recent article published by Hewlett-Packard, studies show that people remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, but about 80% of what they see and do. This book will teach you a revolutionary new skill that will combat underutilization of the brain and signi?cantly improve thinking and learning by combining seeing and doing. In today’s world individuals are constantly asked to do more with less, to squeeze 12 hours of productivity into an 8-hour day, to creatively solve problems, to market new products, to continually be learning and developing professionally, to streamline processes, to
lan projects that incorporate understanding and buy-in from the entire team, and to try to balance all of these things with a personal life. Idea mapping is a revolutionary way of effectively meeting all these demands and doing so in a way that energizes you and makes you more creative than ever before. An idea map is a colorful, visual picture of the issue at hand—all on a single sheet of paper. This frees the brain to think, see, and understand in ways that cannot happen with a multipaged linear document of the same information. It breaks the tradition of linear thinking and provides a way for individuals and teams to plan, learn, increase productivity, save time, improve recall, and create using the logic of association and the full range of cortical skills. Everyone exposed to idea mapping has found it has transformed his or her life. It works so well (seemingly miraculously) that America’s major corporations, institutes, and schools have hired me to train their employees. Some of these organizations
include: American Bankers Association, Association of Christian Schools International, BMC Software, British Petroleum, ConocoPhillips, DTE Energy, Franklin Templeton, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, L. L. Bean, Macomb Intermediate School District, MARC Advertising, Mayo Clinic, Middle Tennessee State University, Operation Smile, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Saline Leadership Institute, Software Spectrum, The Dwight School, U.S. Army Ammunition Management, University of Pittsburgh Institute For Entrepreneurial Excellence, and Willow Run High School.
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