Protect your network, desktop and even remote laptop computers from the latest viruses Sophos Anti-Virus protects your network, desktop and even remote laptop computers from the latest viruses, Trojans, worms and spyware. The quality of its award-winning technology has been confirmed time and time again by independent bodies such as West Coast Labs, ICSA Labs and Virus Bulletin. Protecting the desktop means that regardless of how a virus attempts to break in (email, CD, floppy disk, network shares, instant messaging, web download etc) it can be stopped. Using patented InterCheck technology, Sophos’s on-access scanner provides constant real-time protection with minimal system overhead. Network servers can also be protected with scheduled or constant real-time scanning, ensuring there is no opportunity for a virus to spread or damage your company’s data. Using Enterprise Manager, Sophos Anti-Virus can be kept automatically up to date with protection against the very latest virus threats. The Enterprise Manager suite provides a set of tools allowing fully automated web-based installation and updating of Sophos software across a network and even to remote users, via Remote Update. Enterprise Manager also incorporates powerful reporting facilities. Sophos Anti-Virus is available for all popular PC operating systems, including all network OS. Sophos is protecting laptops, workstations and servers.

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